Rent to Buy

What is Rent to Buy?

The Rent to Buy Scheme helps tenants to save a deposit to buy their home by offering discounted rent for the initial 5 year rental period, this is normally 20% below market rate. Contact the Jigsaw Homes Group to inquire about properties available within this scheme

To be eligible for Rent to Buy, you must be:

  • in full or part time employment
  • a first-time buyer
  • able to pay your rent and save for a deposit at the same time

You may also be eligible for Rent to Buy if you are returning to home ownership following a relationship breakdown. A landlord may check your income and credit history to decide if you’re eligible.

With Jigsaw Homes Group, the initial tenancy agreement will be for up to 5 years. After 5 years you will be eligible to purchase your home via Shared Ownership or Outright sale – see the information below.

If you do not pay your rent on time and follow the terms of your tenancy agreement, you may not be allowed to stay in the scheme.

You can buy a home as soon as you’ve saved enough deposit and can get a mortgage.

When can you purchase your Rent to Buy property with Jigsaw Homes Group?

The Jigsaw Homes Group ‘Rent to Buy Property’ must be at least 5 years old before anyone can purchase it.

Rent to Buy Via Shared Ownership

If you cannot afford to purchase your Rent to Buy property OUTRIGHT, you may be eligible to buy via Shared Ownership.

If you can’t quite afford the mortgage on 100% of a home, Shared Ownership offers you the chance to buy a share of your home and pay rent on the remaining share. Later on, you can buy further shares or purchase your property outright. Buying a larger share is called stair-casing, and as you buy more shares you pay less rent. In some instances you may have to live in your home for a year before you can buy more shares and in rural areas stair-casing can sometimes be restricted.

For more information about Shared Ownership, please click the ‘find out more’ button, or, if you wish to apply to purchase via Shared Ownership, please fill out our application form at the bottom of this page.

Rent to Buy Via Outright Sale

The Jigsaw Homes Group ‘Rent to Buy Property’ must be at least 5 years old before anyone can purchase it. Please contact fill out the application form below.

Application Form

If you wish to purchase your Jigsaw Homes Group Rent to Buy Home – please fill out this application form.

Want more information?

If you are interested in Rent to Buy or are a Rent to buy tenant and need more information, please use the below contact form to ensure your email is directed to the correct place.

If you are interested in Rent to Buy properties in the North West, please select ‘Rent to Buy Enquiry North West’ in the Query Category Field.

If you are interested in Rent to Buy properties in the Midlands, please select ‘Rent to Buy Enquiry Midlands’ in the Query Category Field.

If you are already a Rent to Buy tenant, please select ‘I am a Rent to Buy tenant’ in the Query Category Field.