Snugg Homes…

The Lockdown Story
Lock down has proved to be one of the biggest challenges for housing associations across the UK, with some businesses struggling greatly during the pandemic. During these hard times, it was incredibly important that we at Snugg Homes adapt our approach to ensure we keep staff and customers safe, whilst striving to maintain the best service possible. One of the changes that we implemented was creating video/virtual tours of our properties – literally bringing our homes to you. This proved so popular, that we are going to continue to create tours of all our homes going forward.
During the early stages of lock-down we realised that people still wanted to purchase their new/first home. This period spent at home afforded people the time to focus their attention on something positive – such as finding their perfect home. So much so, that the Snugg Homes team have been busier than ever – with more enquires during lock down than ever before!
To give you an idea, here are some quick statistics showing the difference between 10 weeks prior to lock down, and 10 week since lock down began.
Pre lockdown (13th Jan – 22nd March)
- *Enquiries: 376
- **Help to Buy applications: 133
- ***Metro referrals: 96
During lockdown (23rd March – 31st May)
- *Enquiries: 494
- **Help to Buy applications: 159
- ***Metro referrals: 118
*Enquires is the number of people who have enquired about a property/development
**Help to Buy applications is the number of people who have filled out our Help To Buy application form to confirm their eligibility.
***Metro referrals are when we ask the applicant if we can give their details to our external partner Metro Finance, to complete the financial assessment which you must go through before reserving.