Leasehold Team

Dedicated Leasehold Team

The Group have a dedicated Leasehold Team who are on hand to offer help and advice on all aspects of your lease. The team provide information about the services you receive and the cost of these services.  They strive to ensure that all service charges are reasonable and that all services are provided to a high standard.

As a leaseholder, there are many instances where you may need to talk to a member of our Leasehold Team, but two key areas of their service include Staircasing (buying a further share in your home) and Resales.

To offer leaseholders an insight into these two services, the Leasehold Team have outlined the processes that they have to follow for each.


  • When a Staircasing enquiry is received, we send out information about the process to the leaseholder – and then set up electronic file.
    If you ‘staircase’ and buy 100% share of a house, the freehold can be transferred to you, but there is an administration cost for this service
  • Shared owners wishing to Staircase are responsible for their valuation and solicitors fees, which vary from case to case. We don’t pass on our legal fees to the Shared Owner.
  • Once we have received the valuation, we make sure it is RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) accredited – we check the figures to see if *comparables (the ‘sold prices’ of similar properties in the area) are included, we also compare the new valuation against the original purchase price (if reasonably new) and then other Staircasing properties in the area. Then we log the date of valuation and note the 3/6 month deadline.
  • Once the valuation has been assessed, if it is deemed unreasonable we will challenge it if required.
  • We then send the offer letter and Notice of Intention to the person who is Staircasing.
  • Once we have received the Notice of Intention back from the purchaser, it is then sent to the solicitors.
  • We advise the buyers and the solicitors of the valuation deadlines (3 and 6 months). If the valuation is within 2 weeks of expiry, we send advisory letters to the buyers. If the 3 month deadline is reached we request an extension. If the 6 months deadline is reached, we request a new valuation.
  • The team liaise with solicitors and work towards completion.
  • If the property is subject to certain types of housing grant we are require to give Homes England 14 days’ notice before completion.
  • As the necessary documents come through, we ensure that they are processed and signed accordingly.
  • The signed documents are scanned and filed on our system, we then transfer the files electronically to the solicitors and send all hard copies recorded delivery.
  • On completion of the sale, we close the account, advise the relevant Jigsaw Homes Group staff – and send out a completion statement.
  • We ensure the file, our housing management systems and property log are fully up to date with the new details.
  • If the property is to remain leasehold, or there will still be service charges due to the Association after completion, a letter will be sent to the owners confirming the new details.
  • We set up electronic folder when a Resale enquiry is received.
  • We then send out a ‘consent to sale letter’ to the Shared Owner.
  • When we receive confirmation that an offer has been accepted and buyer details have been provided, we will contact the buyer(s) and start the assessment process.
  • The assessment will include confirming eligibility for shared ownership, whether the buyers meet any possible Section 106 restrictions (such as having a local connection with the area – such as live, work or have family in the area) and completing a financial assessment to confirm the purchase will be affordable.
  • Potential buyers are also sent copies of the Key Information Documents for the property as well as a re-sale declaration.
  • Once the assessment has been completed, we send out letters advising of the affordability assessment decision.
  • Buyers can only be fully approved once they have completed the assessment process and once they and their Solicitors have signed and returned the re-sale declaration.
  • When required, we complete LPE1 document and management pack. This is a document that is used to obtain information about a leasehold property, it will seek to confirm specific details regarding ground rent, service charges and the management of the building. In particular, the LPE1 will establish whether there are any problems that exist or costs that may be incurred with the property in the near future.
  • Once the sale completes, we will require a Notice of Transfer from then buyers’ solicitor. Once this is received, we will end the previous Leaseholders account and set up an account for the buyers.
  • Some properties (especially properties previously purchased under the Right to Buy scheme) will have Land Registry restrictions which need to be dealt with and certificates produced.
  • We send out a welcome pack to new buyers (what does this include?). (This typically includes details of rent and service charges, a buildings insurance summary document, privacy notice and a request for information about the new owner).
  • Complete CoRe (continuous recording – it’s the method we use to tell the Social Housing Regulator what is happening with individual properties) form for relevant sales.
  • Once all the paperwork is complete, the file is moved to the ‘completed’ section.
  • Throughout the process, we ensure that the log and electronic folder are kept up-to-date and maintained throughout the sale.
  • Finally we calculate any apportionments (overpayments of rent and service charges between the outgoing and incoming Shared Owner) and process any refunds.
  • If you would like to talk to our Leasehold Team about a Resale, Staircasing or any other lease related matter, please fill out the form below and the team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Additional Administration fees

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